Medical Knowledge from A - Z
Abduction - Moving a limb away from midline of the body
Achilles tendon - Prominent tendon at the back of the leg, behind the ankle
BE - An amputation or prosthesis below the elbow - more commonly, Transradial
Bench alignment - The basic alignment of a socket and other components which is established before the prosthetist begins to align the prosthesis on the client
Bilateral - "Both sides" - if both legs are amputated, bilateral prostheses would be provided
Biomechanics - The scientific study of body movement and forces
BK - An amputation or prosthesis below the knee - more commonly, Transtibial
Bulbous - A residual limb that is large at the end, near the surgical site
Cadence - The speed at which one walks
Calcaneus - Heel bone
Callous - Thickening of the skin
Carpals - The bones between the metacarpals and the wrist
Cast - modification Adding or removing material from the plaster model of a residual limb to improve the fit of the socket that will be made from that plaster model
Cavus foot - A foot with an unusually high arch
Cervical vertebrae - The seven vertebrae of the neck
Check socket - A socket, usually transparent, which is used to evaluate the socket fit before the fabrication of the final socket - also called a test socket
Chopart - A partial foot amputation leaving only the calcaneus and talus intact
Clavicle - The collar bone
Coccyx - Distal portion of vertebral column; the tail bone
Compound fracture - A bone fracture which has broken through the skin
Congenital - "Born with", as with birth deformities
Congenital limb deficiency - Absence of a limb or part of a limb at the time of birth
Contracture - A shortening of a muscle
Cosmesis - The appearance of a device
Cosmetic cover - The protective external cover that gives an endoskeletal prosthesis a normal anatomical appearance
Decubitis Ulcer - Bed sore; pressure sore
Definitive prosthesis - A permanent prosthesis fitted once the stump shape has stabilised and atrophy has plateaued.
Disarticulation - Amputation through a joint; no bone is cut
Distal - Away from the trunk - when referring to a limb, the part farthest from the body
Doffing - The act of taking the prosthesis or orthosis off
Donning - The act of putting the prosthesis or orthosis on
Dorsiflexion - The motion of the ankle joint that raises the foot
Drop foot - An inability to dorsiflex foot (raise the foot)
Dynamic alignment - Adjusting the prosthetic components to suit the movement patterns of the client
Endoskeletal - "Inside skeleton", a prosthesis has the structural components inside a non-structural cover which provides protection and cosmesis
Energy storing foot - A prosthetic component designed with a flexible inner structure that flexes slightly during weight bearing and then releases its energy to help the prosthesis move forward
Ertl Procedure - A transtibial amputation technique in which bone is introduced between the tibia and fibula, so that they will be secured together for greater comfort and function
Exoskeletal - "Outside skeleton", a prosthesis which is supported by a rigid outside shell
Extension - To straighten a joint
Femur Bone - from hip to knee joint
Fibula - Lateral bone of leg, from knee to ankle
Flaccid - Relaxed or flabby - without muscle tone
Flexion - To bend a joint
Flexion contracture - A permanent muscular contraction due to spasm or fibrosis
FO - Foot Orthosis, also called "orthotics" or arch supports
Fracture - Any break in a bone
Fusion - To grow together; as in a joint which grows together and no longer bends
Gait - training Learning to walk with a prosthesis or orthosis
Hematoma - A localized haemorrhage
Hemipelvectomy - Amputation above the hip joint in which part of the pelvis is removed
Hemiplegic - Paralysis of one side of the body
Hemophilia - A medical condition in which bleeding does not stop in the normal manner
HKAFO - Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis - an orthosis (brace) which supports the patient from the hip to the foot
HO - Hip Orthosis - a brace which controls motion of the hip
Humerus Bone - from the shoulder to the elbow
Hyperextension - Angle of extension greater than normal
Idiopathic - A medical term meaning "cause unknown" used to describe medical conditions of unknown origin
Inferior - Away from the head; below
Inflammation - Redness which may be accompanied by heat and swelling
Initial prosthesis - A prosthesis fitted soon after amputation so that gait training can begin.
Interface - Inner surface of a prosthetic or orthotic device which is in contact with the patient's skin
Ischial containment - A Transfemoral socket design which covers the ischium and contains it
Ischium or Ischial Tuberosity - The part of the pelvis on which we sit; the "seat bones"
KAFO - Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis - an orthosis which provides support to both the knee and ankle
KB - Knee Bearing - a prosthesis on which the amputee bears weight on the knee
KD - An amputation through the knee joint, or a prosthesis for such amputation
Knee Disarticulation - An amputation through the knee joint, or a prosthesis for such amputation
KO - Knee Orthosis - an orthosis which provides support to the knee
Kyphosis - Spinal curvature in the thoracic spine; humpback
Lateral - Away from the midline of the trunk; as in the outside of the leg
Lesion - Break in the skin
Ligament - Connective tissue between bones
Liner - Soft material used between the residual limb and the prosthetic socket providing protection, comfort, and in some cases suspension
Lordosis - Spinal curvature - often an exaggerated curve of the lumbar spine
LSO - Lumbosacral Orthosis - a brace which supports the lower back and pelvis
Lumbar spine - The five spinal vertebra of the low back - the vertebrae between the pelvis and the ribs
Malleolus - A rounded bony prominence on either side of the ankle joint - the plural is malleoli
Manipulation - Treatment by manual techniques
Manual locking knee - A prosthetic knee component, which can be locked in extension for safety during ambulation - the lock is manually released when the amputee sits
Mastectomy - Amputation of the breast
Medial - Toward the midline of the trunk, as in the inside of leg
Metacarpal - The five long bones of the hand to which the fingers attach
Metatarsals - The five bones of the foot to which the toes attach
Multiaxial foot - A prosthetic foot that has motion in more than one plane
Muscle - Tissue which has ability to contract when stimulated
Myodesis procedure - An amputation technique in which the cut muscles are secured to the bone so that they will perform better with less atrophy
Myoelectric prosthesis - An upper limb prosthesis which uses electrodes within the socket to convert muscular contraction of the residual limb into signals which activate the elbow, wrist, or terminal device
Nerve - Tissue capable of transmitting impulses
Neuroma - An overgrowth of nerve tissue
Non-union - A fractured bone which does not heal normally
Occipital - Relating to the back of the head
Occupational therapy - Treatment to improve tasks of work or daily living
Oedema - Collection of fluids causing swelling of the tissues
Orthoses - The plural of orthosis (orthopedic brace)
Orthosis - An orthopaedic brace or appliance
Orthotics - The art and science of fitting orthoses (orthopedic braces). Also a term for Foot Orthoses or arch supports
Orthotist - A professional who designs, supplies, and fits orthotic braces
OT - Occupational Therapist
Paralysis - Inability to use muscles because of nerve damage
Paraplegia - Partial or complete paralysis of both legs
Paraplegic - One who has paraplegia; paralyzed from the waist down
Patella - The kneecap
Pathomechanics - The scientific study of faulty body movement
Peripheral vascular disease - Disease of the small blood vessels near the skin surface
Pes Planus - A foot with a low or flat arch
Phalanges - Fingers or toes
Phantom pain - An abnormal painful sensation in that part of an amputated limb that is no longer present
Phantom sensation - Sensory awareness of the part of an amputated limb that is no longer present - a normal and non-painful condition
Physical therapy - Exercise and training to restore function
Pistoning - When the residual limb moves slightly into and out of the socket
Plantar - The bottom surface of the foot - the sole
PMR - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Polycentric knee - A prosthetic knee component with more than one axis of rotation to increase knee stability. It is helpful for fitting amputees with long residual limbs because it improves cosmesis by minimizing the length of the thigh section
Posterior - Toward the back of the body
Post-operative prosthesis - A prosthesis which is fitted to the patient immediately following surgery
Prehension - To hold or grasp
Prognosis - Prediction of the medical outcome
Prostheses - The plural of prosthesis (artificial limb)
Prosthesis - A device which replaces a missing body part; an artificial limb
Prosthetist - A professional specializing in designing, fitting and fabricating artificial limbs
PT - Physical therapist, or physical therapy
PTB socket Patella Tendon Bearing Socket - a type of socket for a below-knee amputee, which is designed to bear weight on the tendon just below the patella
PTS socket Patella Tendon Super Condylar Socket - a type of socket for a below-knee amputees with trim lines, which provide suspension by enclosing the bones of the knee Quadriplegia Partial or complete paralysis of both the arms and legs
Radius - One of the two bones between the elbow and hand; the radius joins the hand nearest the thumb
Residual limb - That part of the limb which remains after amputation - the stump RGO Reciprocating Gait Orthosis - an HKAFO or KAFO that links the legs so that a paralyzed person is able to step forward to walk - crutches are commonly required for balance
Rigid dressing - A cast or device applied after amputation, which controls swelling and reduces pain
ROM - Range of motion - the extent of the ability to move a joint
SACH foot Solid Ankle Cushion Heel - a prosthetic foot that has no mechanical axis and simulates normal foot function by compression of the heel and flexibility of the toe
Scapula - The bone referred to as the shoulder blade
Scoliosis - Lateral curvature of the spine; 'S' shaped spine
Silesian bandage or belt - A flexible belt which can be used to assist the suspension of a transfemoral prosthesis - "bandage" is used in the older sense of the word, meaning "something that binds"
Single axis foot - A prosthetic foot with only one pivot point which allows movement in one plane
Socket - The part of the prosthesis that encloses the residual limb
Spasm - Involuntary muscle contraction
Spastic - Subject to involuntary muscular contractions or spasms
Spinal orthosis - Brace applied to all or part of the trunk, head and neck, and their intermediate joints
Stance control knee - A prosthetic knee component with a mechanism which increases the safety and stability of the knee
Static alignment - Alignment of the prosthesis or orthosis while the patient is standing but not walking
Stockinette - A tubular cotton or nylon fabric which is sometimes used to don a prosthetic socket
Stroke - Rupturing of a blood vessel in the brain
Stump shrinker - A compressive wrapping or sock applied to the residual limb to prevent swelling and shape the limb, commonly used during the first post-operative months
Stump sock - A sock worn over the residual limb to cushion the limb and provide a snug fit between limb and socket
Suction socket - A type of prosthetic socket that is held on the limb with negative pressure
Suspension - To hold up or suspend; used to describe the method of holding a prosthesis in place
Suspension sleeve - A flexible component that suspends a transtibial prosthesis - it is an elastic tubular sleeve that is pulled over the upper part of the prosthesis and then rolled up on the thigh once the prosthesis has been donned
Syme - An ankle disarticulation amputation procedure named for the physician who invented it - the bulbous end of the limb is often able to bear weight. Also, a prosthesis for a Syme amputee
Tarsals - The bones between the metatarsals and the bones of the ankle joint and heel
Terminal device - Term used to describe portion of upper extremity prosthesis which replaces the hand - a prosthetic hand or hook
Test socket - A socket, usually transparent, which is used to evaluate the socket fit before the fabrication of the final socket - also called a check socket
Thermoplastic - A type of plastic that can be heated and formed
Thoracic vertebra - The 12 spinal vertebra to which ribs are attached
Tibia - One of two bones from knee to ankle joint - the shin bone
TLSO - Thoracolumbar-Sacral Orthosis - a brace which supports the spine from pelvis to armpits
Torso - The chest and abdominal area - the trunk
Total contact - A socket design that provides contact with all parts of the residual limb
Traction - External force used to pull a body member
Transfemoral (TF) - amputation - Amputation above the knee
Transhumeral (TH) - amputation - Amputation above the elbow
Transmetasatal (TM) - amputation - A partial foot amputation through the metatarsal bones
Transradial (TR) - amputation - Amputation below the elbow
Transtibial (TT) - amputation- Amputation below the knee
Traumatic amputation - The removal of a limb as a result of an accident or injury
Tremor - Involuntary shaking
Ulcer - Lesion or opening of the skin
Ulna - One of two bones between the elbow and hand - the ulna joins the hand nearest the little finger
Umbilicus - Navel
Unilateral - One side only; used to describe an amputee missing one extremity
Upper extremity - Same as upper limb - having to do with the arms
Valgus - Bent or angled inward; at the knee, knock-knee
Varus - Bent or angled outward; at the knee, bowlegged
Vascular - Relating to or containing blood vessels
Vascular amputation - Amputation surgery performed as a result of impaired blood circulation
WHO Wrist-Hand Orthosis - an orthosis which supports the wrist and hand
Wrist unit - An upper limb prosthetic component that allows the amputee to position the terminal
device for optimum function